Functional Testing

What is functional testing and why is it important?

Functional testing is a diagnostic tool used to help identify the root causes of chronic health problems by evaluating the function of various systems and processes in the body.

There is a wide range of tests available which can provide valuable information about a patient's metabolic, nutritional, hormonal, and immune function, as well as identify underlying imbalances or deficiencies that may be contributing to symptoms.

Using functional testing to evaluate an individual’s unique biochemistry and physiology, removes the guesswork, allowing for positive outcomes faster than without testing and developing targeted nutrition and supplement plans which address the root causes of health issues.

Which kinds of tests are available?

I work with various laboratories and below are some of the most requested tests. If you aren’t sure which is right for you CONTACT ME for a free call to discuss.

Gut Microbiome Analysis

An advanced stool test that provides immediate, actionable clinical information for the management of gastrointestinal health. Using cutting-edge technologies and biomarkers, these profiles offer valuable insight into digestive function, intestinal inflammation, and the intestinal microbiome revealing important information about the root cause of many common gastrointestinal symptoms and non-GI conditions including Gas, bloating, cramps, IBD, IBS, Eczema, allergies, mood disorders, autoimmune diseases, joint aches, diabetes, weight gain.

  • Sample type: Stool

  • Click HERE to view a sample report

Hormone Testing

An extensive profile of sex and adrenal hormones along with their metabolites can help to identify the root cause of hormone and metabolite imbalances or deficiencies which can influence overall health, energy and quality of life including PCOS, menopause, mood issues, PMS, and HRT monitoring.

  • Sample type: Urine

  • Click HERE to view a sample report

Full Thyroid Panel

The Thyroid is a gland which is central to metabolic function. It is involved in energy, mood, and weight and can affect everything from your cholesterol to female hormones. The thyroid tests available from your GP are limited, leaving many people without the support they need.

This is a thorough thyroid test, which looks at TSH and T4 hormones, as well as Reverse T3, Free T4, Free T3, and antibodies. It also looks at deficiencies in selenium, iodine and zinc which are essential nutrients needed for optimal thyroid function.

  • Sample type: Blood

  • Click HERE to view a sample report

Nutritional Deficiencies & Intolerance Testing

A comprehensive screening of vitamin and mineral status to identify deficiencies or sub-clinical deficiencies. Intolerance testing to identify any trigger foods which are driving symptoms. This is a great testing option for a marker of general health and identifies key areas to target with food and supplements.

  • Sample type: Serum/Bloodspot

  • Click HERE to view a sample report

Health MOT

Male and female health screenings which cover the key markers for blood, liver, kidney, and diabetes as well as information on iron storage, vitamins, minerals and hormones. This is a great option for a general health check providing basic levels for a wide number of important health markers. This test is popular with those looking for an annual health MOT for reassurance and to optimise health.

  • Sample type: Blood serum

  • Click HERE to view a sample report

Book a FREE discovery call with me to discuss which testing route could best support you and your health.