My personal journal with Crohn’s disease and managing chronic illness.

This picture of me is taken 10 years ago just out of hospital where I finally had a Crohn’s disease diagnosis. If you look closely you can see the steroid madness starting in my eyes. It had taken me 18 months, multiple GP and hospital visits, misdiagnosis and 3 stone in weightloss for me to finally be taken seriously, that what I was dealing with wasn’t IBS or just a young girl being silly.

After years of being on azathioprine and steroids with relapsing and remitting flare ups, I finally decided to do my own research and found a Nutritional Therapist. She helped me understand that my whole body is connected and all the systems are working together to find balance. She also helped me see the importance of looking for the root cause of disease. With lots of learning, patience and time, I have now changed my eating and lifestyle to allow me to be in remission, colonoscopy’s clear and off all medication.

So if you suspect something is off, trust yourself and your body to tell you when something is wrong and go and speak to your GP about it (most of them are obviously great!) Oh and check your Poo! 💩

Red flag symptoms for IBD are:
💩Blood in your stool
💩Mucus in your stool
💩Fluctuations in bowel habits
💩Rapid weight loss


What is Functional Nutrition?