What is Functional Nutrition?

First a little about me. I’m a registered Nutritional Therapist (m.BANT m.IFM) originally from South Wales. I first became interested in nutritional therapy and complementary healthcare whilst struggling to manage my Crohn’s disease. After working with a Nutritional Therapist, I managed to get my disease in remission and off the medication I had been on for years. After seeing the transformative power for myself, I decided to retrain to further my knowledge both for my health and with the hope of sharing it with others. I went on to study at the College of Naturopathic Medicine followed by the Institute of Functional Medicine and haven’t looked back.

So what exactly is Functional Nutrition?

Functional nutrition focuses on providing the body with the essential elements it requires to achieve optimal health and functionality. This approach puts the person, not the disease at the centre, understanding the body as a whole and continuously striving to identify the unique requirements of each person to thrive.

Rather than suppressing symptoms, a functional approach aims to delve deeper to uncover the underlying causes of imbalances within the body. By addressing these root causes, this approach aims to restore equilibrium and enhance proper functioning. With each of my clients, I develop a bespoke, targeted nutrition, lifestyle and supplement plan which addresses the root causes of health issues.

I  also offer a range of functional testing options which can help evaluate an individual’s unique biochemistry and physiology, removing the guesswork and unveiling hidden imbalances and genetic factors which may be impacting your well-being.

I offer a 1-hour Nutrition and Energy review for clients who are curious about how to optimise their current habits to meet their health goals. We will spend an hour together discussing a typical week in your life including food, energy levels, mood, sleep and digestive system for a fully rounded, holistic approach. From this session,  you will receive a bespoke action list including nutrition, supplement and lifestyle recommendations to align with your goals.

For those clients suffering from chronic conditions and looking for extra support, I also offer ongoing sessions which take a closer look into family & health history, reviewing all systems of the body for a deeper understanding of the wider biochemistry. This type of work also involves a weekly coaching call to discuss your symptoms, and challenges you might be facing and work through different stages of a protocol where appropriate.

With each of my clients, I develop a bespoke, targeted nutrition, lifestyle and supplement plan which addresses the root causes of health issues. I  also offer a range of functional testing options which can help evaluate an individual’s unique biochemistry and physiology, removing the guesswork and unveiling hidden imbalances and genetic factors which may be impacting your well-being.


Understanding Hormone-Related Hair Loss: Strategies for Support


My personal journal with Crohn’s disease and managing chronic illness.