The Benefits of Private Gut Testing

Using Functional Testing like Genova GI Effects stool testing removes the guesswork, and allows for positive outcomes faster than without testing. It supports targeted nutrition and supplement plans which address the root causes of health issues.

An advanced stool test that provides immediate, actionable clinical information for the management of gastrointestinal health. Using cutting-edge technologies and biomarkers, these profiles offer valuable insight into digestive function, intestinal inflammation, and the intestinal microbiome revealing important information about the root cause of many common gastrointestinal symptoms and non-GI conditions including:

  • Gas

  • Bloating

  • Cramps

  • IBD

  • IBS

  • Eczema & allergies

  • Mood disorders

  • Autoimmune diseases

  • Joint aches

  • Diabetes

  • Weight gain

The biomarkers on the GI Effects Comprehensive Profile show the 3 key functions of gut health:

  • Maldigestion

  • Inflammation

  • Metabolite Imbalance

  • Infection

If you’re interested in learning measurable information and data about your gut health and removing the guesswork, get in touch to discuss how the Genova GI effects could be right for you.


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